We deliver homeopathy medicine at your home. Homeopathy clinic in Surat

  • (+91) 9737417666
  • Uttran, Surat

Online Treatment

Get the best homoeopathy treatment from the confort of your home or office in just 5 simple steps!

Step 1: Call us

Call us on (+91) 9737417666.
B/W 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM & 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Step 2: Tell us your problem

Get a free opinion about your condition from our experts. Communicate with us conveniently through telephone & e-mail.

Step 3: Select a health plan

View our range of pocket-friendly. All-inclusive health plan. The treatment will include unlimited consultations, medicines & couriers.

Step 4: Expert Consultation

Choose your expert and give a detailed case history. Your expert reviews your case in detail and sets your precription.

Step 5: Receive Your Medicines

Get your medicines delivered at your desired location along with personalized.

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Book an Appointment

If you are outside of India, follow these steps to book an appointment. Click here