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Everything You Need to Know About Homeopathy

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Everything You Need to Know About Homeopathy

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The word Homeopathy is derived from two Greek words, ‘Homo’ which means similarity, and ‘path’ meaning disease. It also includes a recommendation for cold remedies in small dilutions administered in small volumes. Homeopathy can capitalize on both minor and major physical ailments with many advantages, such as it is safe, gentle, and inexpensive. Homeopathy follows the ideology of ‘like cures like’ and considers the whole patient. 

Unlike allopathy, it is a system of medicine that concentrates on the disease’s underlying factors and helps the body’s amazing natural healer. It takes a whole-body approach to health and is a safe and reliable alternative to sustain and enhance health at all levels.

Homeopathic Remedies for Common Problems

Homeopathic remedies have proven to be quite useful for common ailments and conditions. Some specific remedies include the use of Aconite and Bryonia for colds and coughs. One of the most popular remedies in Homeopathy is treating joints affected by bruises or muscle strain with the help of Arnica herbs.

For fever or inflammation of any kind, the appropriate remedy would be Belladonna. This drug is also an aid for:

  • Appetite loss
  • Indigestion
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Constipation

Coughs associated with sputum that is thick and yellow in discharge are treated using Pulsatilla drugs. The remedies for these conditions are Belladonna and Natrum Muriaticum, which also treat migraines and headaches. For skin lesions, such as atopic dermatitis, Sulphur and Graphites are commonly used.

Homeopathic remedies provide an easy and quick solution for common problems.

Treating Chronic Diseases with Homeopathy

Homoeopathy for chronic diseases by enhancing the health and the functional condition of the organism is easy and effective. Remedies such as Rhus Tox and Bryonia, or a mix of both, are often used for arthritis. Homeopathy has used Arsenicum Album and Natrum Sulphuricum for asthma. Some Homeopathic medications, like Gelsemium and Phosphoric Acid, treat chronic fatigue while for treating diabetes, specialists prescribe some Homeopathic drugs. These include Syzygium Jambolana and Phosphorus. 

Homoeopathy treats chronic skin diseases, such as psoriasis with the medicines Arsenicum Album and Graphites. Mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression, have effective cures. Examples are Ignatia and Natrum Muriaticum. A sniff of Homeopathy gives patients a chance. It may control the rise of alternative Homeopathic treatments for erosive polygenic diseases. These diseases are sometimes linked to severe, chronic conditions which include grave axial and articular arthritis.

Benefits of Homeopathy

Homeopathy has many benefits. Homeopathic medicines are:

  • Mild and non-chemical
  • Safe for all individuals
  • Have no side effects
  • Can be taken alongside other therapies

Homoeopathy does not follow a symmetric treatment approach. It does not treat a disease by merely addressing the symptoms but also replenishes the body’s lost defense mechanisms. Known for its simplicity, Homeopathy treats different symptoms at various levels of health. It is both affordable and widely available.

While many preparations have been removed from retail shelves, except for Heikoze, Homeopathy respects and conserves ecosystems. All treatments make minimal use of natural resources, providing everything necessary to maintain and restore normal health.

The Principle of ‘Like Cures Like’ in Homeopathy

Homeopathy works on the concept of ‘like cures like’, which defines homeopathy. It is similar to finding a cure for the malady using the same symptom-causing agent but in a patient’s body. Homeopathic drugs are taken in very minute quantities to avoid any toxicity or other unpleasant side effects. The process of dilution is also called potentiation. This is said to increase the curative effect of the substance. Homeopathy enhancement temporarily alters such natural body healing treatments. It supposes the principles of equilibrating and harmonizing the patient’s body. It takes into account the patient’s physical and psychological factors.

Homeopathy vs. Allopathy

  • Homeopathy is a type of medicine. It is different from orthodox treatment, called Allopathy.
  • Homeopathy focuses on the patient and helps the patient to restore health by their means. Allopathy includes all mainstream medical treatments that use drugs or surgery to treat diseases. 
  • Homeopathy treats the causative factor in disease, whereas Allopathy treats the manifested disorders. 
  • Homeopathy medicine is gentle and natural and has no side effects. Allopathy includes the side effects and interactions of allopathic medications. 
  • Homeopathy also individualizes treatment, considering the patient’s specific symptoms and health. It is a patient-oriented approach, though it may follow standardized regimens. 
  • Homeopathy is cheap and accessible to all. Allopathy can be very expensive. Both systems have advantages that can be used together.


Type of MedicineAlternative, holistic medicineMainstream, orthodox treatment
FocusPatient-centered, restores health naturallyDisease-centered, treats symptoms
ApproachTreats the root cause of diseaseTreats manifested disorders and symptoms
MedicationGentle, natural remedies with no side effectsDrugs or surgery, potential side effects
PersonalizationIndividualized treatment based on symptomsStandardized treatments for all patients
CostAffordable and accessibleOften expensive
Side EffectsNo side effects or harmful interactionsPossible side effects and drug interactions
UsageBest for chronic and long-term conditionsBest for acute or emergency conditions
Combination with Other TreatmentsCan complement allopathy for a holistic approachCan be used alongside homeopathy

If you want to know how does Homeopathy works and how it can help you to cure the disease then come to Satva Homeopathy Clinic in Surat. Here you can consult with experienced and skilled Dr. Pratik Gorasiya. So without delay just come schedule your appointment and take the first step toward better health. Experience natural healing with Homeopathy, a gentle and effective way to restore your health.

Picture of Dr Pratik Gorasiya

Dr Pratik Gorasiya

Dr. Pratik Gorasiya is one of the top homeopathic doctors in Surat. He has been practicing homoeopathy for over 10 years now. Dr. Gorasiya has gained rich clinical experience. He has worked with several top homoeopathic hospitals across Gujarat. He is passionate about providing the best possible care to his patients.

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